Advanced Trips

Advanced Trips
Growth Series
Northpoint Adventures advanced trips are designed for older participants, ages 14+, seeking a new level of adventure, challenge, and ultimately personal growth through summer wilderness tripping experiences. Northpoint’s advanced trips build upon previously learned skills, and give participants hands-on experience with cooking, personal first aid, and map & compass navigational skills. Participants are additionally empowered by group decision-making, ongoing discussion of overcoming challenges, and gaining deeper understanding of what a wilderness experience means on a personal level. Ranging from 7 to 8 days in length, Northpoint’s advanced trips lead to personal growth and blaze the trail for a lifetime of adventuring.

Rocky Mountain Backpacking
Longs Peak at 14,259’ above sea level is just one of many peaks towering above Rocky Mountain National Park near Estes Park, Colorado. Camping at [...]
Voyageurs Wilderness Canoe
The Boundary Waters of northern Minnesota are the wilderness setting for this classic Camp Nicolet and Northpoint Adventures trip, a tradition since camp’s second decade [...]
Apostle Islands Sea Kayaking
Wisconsin and Lake Superior meet on the state’s northern end. Towns like Ashland, Bayfield, and Cornucopia dot the landscape there. A prominent feature of this area [...]
Isle Royale Backpacking
Volumes are written about this majestic and pure wilderness island in Lake Superior, actually closer to Canada than the United States! Designated an International [...]